Stad Municipality

Stad municipality was formed on 1 January 2020 when Eid, Selje, and parts of Vågsøy municipality in Nordfjord were merged. Stad has about 9,500 inhabitants, with Nordfjordeid as its municipal centre. In Nordfjordeid, you will find everything you need of commercial and municipal services, hospitals, an upper secondary school, public offices, opera / cultural centre, an accident and emergency department, sports centres and most other things you need to have a good life in Stad municipality.

In addition, you will find great places to live, kindergartens, schools, shopping, exciting businesses, and a vibrant community of clubs and organisations throughout the municipality. And you will find spectacular scenery that is readily accessible both summer and winter. Where else in the world can you surf the waves and ski powder snow in the same place? You can in Stad and Nordfjord!

We have collected a selection of good experiences, offers and services for you. We hope you find something that will suit you– and that you will settle in well and be happy in Stad.

You are welcome to contact us for a chat if there is anything you are wondering about. Don’t hesitate to contact me, the mayor, directly by email, text, or Messenger – we will try to help you as best we can!

Best wishes
Gunnar Silden
Mayor of Stad municipality