A night in the wild

How about sleeping under the open sky?

The long bright summer nights invite you to sleep outside.

Follow the link for some useful tips from Norsk Friluftsliv.

The Norwegian right to roam the countryside gives us the right to use nature, but make an agreement with the landowner if you want to set up camp on cultivated land.

Follow the link to read more about the right to roam.

Protected areas
Stad kommune has several protected areas where own rules may apply.

StadNameType of protected areaPurpose
EidÅsaneNature reserveBroadleaf forest
EidLindvikNature reserveBroadleaf forest
SeljeDekkjeneNature reserveSwamp
SeljeSandvikseidetNature reserveSwamp
SeljeHøgfjelletNature reserveSeabird
SeljeFlatholmenNature reserveSeabird
SeljeTungevågNature reserveWetland area
SeljeGryttingNatural monumentEclogite
Protected areas in Stad